Fuantum Thought: Version 6

Check out this new brochure about QuantumCube and QuantumCube Server!

Fuantum Idea!

a work, study site (Fourth Way)

Older Versions::::: (5)::::(4.4) (4) (1.0) (AngelFire/Tripod) ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Copyrights if any, listed....

Last Update:

1/8/2025 @ 2:01 PM CST

All Unibitri software is now free! Happy New Year!

12/4/2024 @ 9:10 PM CST

Claude's meditating from afar tips and tricks: here

9/27/2024 @ 6:05 AM CST

QuantumCube Server has been released. Check it out for $6.99!
It will allow you to host QuantumCube Server sessions with all your friends.
A built-in Server List in the Quantum Cube will help people find you if you post your server!

UniBiTri pages have been updated as well with a few screen shots.

9/24/2024 @ 11:38 PM CST

QuantumCube has been released.
Check it out for $7.99! A good price of a pack of cigarettes.
QuantumCube Server is being released soon for $6.99, and I will notify you of that as well.

9/22/2024 @ 9:42 PM CST

QuantumCube has now server software as well to host your own quantum cube sessions.
Accounts are created automatically right now, and only viewed on the server.

9/14/2024 @ 4:06 PM CST

Check out UniBiTri Proportions page for a BETA Quantum Cube game application.

It is a Hydrogens Gurdjieff strategy game where you meet ancients and mysterious figures,
and also there are many functions to add your own destinations and people!
Even with their own talk, jokes, and interaction with the player!

8/20/2024 @ 7:44 PM CST

Check out the new Quantum Cube Game! Explore the ins and outs of the new Quantum Cube and all of its intricate functioning!

7/2/2024 @ 3:12 PM CST

Zooping launches! UniBiTri Page updated. It is Zooger for Windows 10 and Windows 11!! It is awesome!
I have worked on it for years!

6/22/2024 @ 9:14 AM CST

UniBiTri page updated, and here it is:

UniBiTri Proportions
Software that makes a frugal difference!
5/27/2024 @ 1:52 AM CST

Zooger has no bugs! It is done! Come and get it folks!
It is really cool you will like it!

5/17/2024 @ 7:41 PM CST

Fighting Possession Tips!
Russia may accept a comprompised Alaska back, and we keep about half of it.
That way we can work together up there near our Canadian friends!
And we can remain 50 states!
Keep our postal codes and have new friends!

4/6/2024 @ 8:10 AM CST

A new SVG added and section!
Stems download!

4/1/2024 @ 12:15 PM CST

New picture, and a double feature pdf!
Sent A Cosmos,Special Gurdjieff Sayings, Learning Faster Through Time Distortion
May your jokes not get you into too much trouble!

3/4/2024 @ 2:53 PM CST

New pictures:
Correspondences, Food Digramming, and Hydrogens!
Food Diagramming

3/4/2024 @ 1:56 PM CST

Took Fuantum Nexus offline. It was a stupid idea.
A hopeful one, but it just wouldn't work out.
There will be some games though, in PHP, soon.

3/4/2024 @ 4:54 AM CST

Fuantum Thought Game thought maker is online!
Click on the funny icon below, or the card, or the other little icon,
and you will see a random thought generated.

Also, Fuantum Nexus is online.
It will host a more advanced PHP Fuantum Thought Game.
It is a social media like site that should help
Fuantum Thinkers connect with me and each other.
3/1/2024 @ 2:36 AM CST

Buttons added...

3/1/2024 @ 12:48 AM CST

Generative Artificial Intelligence research...

2/29/2024 @ 11:06 PM CST

Great lists picture added.

2/29/2024 @ 2:00 PM CST

A good start picture added.

1/16/2024 @ 1:11 PM CST

Greetings! I hope all is well with all of you.
Expect great things this year; we have some new stuff coming up.
And some old stuff resurging.
Here and there... Zoogerville

12/6/2023 @ 1:17 PM CT

Season's Greetings! Hope everything will get better and better for us all!
Wishing all our problems will improve and we will find awesome solutions.
Santa is coming soon, and also there have been some changes to the site.
Thanks for all the support this year, and look for much more to come in the months to come!

10/17/2023 @ 12:01 PM CT

From now on, Fuantum Thought will receive minor hot fixes, updates, and new releases,
on a more random and timely basis.
You will not know what to expect!
This should be fun. No more big updates like this one, just additions and things going on...
Thanks for all the fun so far! A lot more to come!

Ali Baba's Map Mark's the Spot X

10/17/2023 @ 12:05 AM CT

Israel and Ukraine, United States and China
India and Australia, Brazil and Mexico
Canada and New Orleans, Auburn Tigers Lost, War Eagle?
The World Is Yours When You Realize It
The site has been updated with some old materials, I hope some find anew!

10/10/2023 @ 5:34 PM CT

Fuantum Thought's brief interruption
Is back for another celebration
of thought fodder for all!
The old website is gone for now, unless everyone wants it back.

9/3/2023 @ 9:54 AM CT

Here is a little fodder
for all of you television, movie, and music buffs...
Some of my better times.
Here are the three links: Recent Movies, Top Fourteen Music, Television Faves...
Hedging the bets!

8/30/2023 @ 11:07 PM CT

Well fellows and lassies, I have stumbled across something,
which I would consider required reading for you Fuantum Thought'ers...
They said to distribute it freely, but never cost anything,
just like my stuff! Here goes: The Psychonaut's Field Manual by Bluefluke!

8/14/2023 @ 12:51 PM CT

Where are we? We are here! Here to play, here to hear, here to see...
What does it mean to hear? What does it mean to play?
Do not hear too much! Do not play too much!
But the end result is the same.... Things Experience!

8/6/2023 @ 8:23 PM CT

Pouncing, expungenating, expiring...
The Kyle XY Effects.

6/8/2023 @ 4:02 PM CT

Something in the sauce,
Wasn't what we thought,
But everything is fine,
Floating in the brine!
New DOUBLE FEATURE content added! Universe Book and Magical Patterns ... Enjoy!! :)

5/24/2023 @ 12:47 AM CT

Going great, going good
Something is in the food
Let us rejoice and celebrate
For God is found in Merry Meet!
Try the new Games images and Games button below!

5/23/2023 @ 2:00 PM CT

All the world's a stage...
To believe or not believe...
Keep going and going!
Mutating and conforming,
excelling and experimenting...
Crossing Clouds is released!

4/21/2023 @ 1:23 PM CT

A Double Feature! for you all!
Time Distortion and Music is my Life have now been put up.
As for the fall out, we will hopefully not have to wait to see it.
It will not be coming.
For if the world ends in nuclear disaster, we will surely show it!

3/23/2023 @ 3:20 PM CT

Lantern X-Manual has been released.
The information is available to all.
Will we end the world in more and more nuclear radiation?
Will the universe notice? God help us!

Fuantum Thought is back! Enjoy! New stuff for all!
I hope you like delicacies, because the chef is gourmet: Mr. Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff and Mr. Richard Alpert, speaking tonight in front of you all on their new stage show, Ram Dass and Gurdjieff...thank you!
Previous Updates: 2/16/2023 @ 4:43 PM CT 2/20/2023 @ 8:38 PM CT

Fuantum Thought Game

Here we are: (thanks to A.)

Ascending Octave


Descending Octave


Evolving Colors


Involving Colors


Ray of Creation

SunSolar System#1
All StarsAbsoluteEarth
All Worlds#2Moon

Atoms of Materiality




Matter Hydrogens

H24H48H963:03 PM 3/4/2024

Days of the Week




A Riddle


Tips and Tricks

Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Indigo,

Clear Black Red
Orange Yellow Green
Blue Indigo Violet White

Sent A Cosmos
Food Diagramming
Great Lists
Project 27
Energy Seal
Star Pattern 1
Star Pattern 2
Rain Down
Explorer's Club

Claude's meditating from afar tips and tricks
Fighting Possession Tips
The Meeting (Copilot)
The Encounter (Copilot)
Fourth Way Story (Copilot)
random programming thoughts
remembering instructions - memory retrieval ideas
The Laws of Magic


Special Gurdjieff Sayings
Learning Faster Through Time Distortion
Eagle Chevron Notes
White Light, Good and Bright
Illusion Studies
Table of Hydrogens
Green Dragon Shadow Book
The Furdjium
Things Experience
Universe Book
Magical Patterns
Crossing Clouds
Time Distortion
Music is my Life
Lantern X-Manual
Parts for Magic
Tic Tac Bob

Extra Things!

Random fworks example...

Click here for a GAME!
(by F., B., G., and P.)

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.